Wednesday, March 7, 2007

My first knitting ever! (circa January 2002)

So the word is out! (Thanks Sile!) And now I feel obligated to put something on my blog, so I thought I'd start at the beginning. This is the first knitting adventure I embarked on. It was cold, dark and winter at St Olaf College my freshman year when I first saw knitting up-close and personal. It seemed like everyone was doing it. Now whether they were knitting because it was tres chic at the time or because of their strong Norwegian roots, I may never know, but it was a very popular pastime. I was lucky to have landed on such a talented corridor my freshman year, and my knitting instructor and corridor-mate, Diana, is still one of my best friends to this day. She's who taught me to knit this lovely garter-stitch scarf on some sort of cheap boucle. Diana taught my roommate, Allison and I at the same time, and I do believe that Allyson eventually finished hers too, her scarf was red.

I worked on this scarf all through J-Term in Minneapolis on my "Food Work and Culture" seminar. (Best excuse to eat ethnic food ever!). And despite all the dropped stitches and wobbly edges, I wore the heck out of that scarf through four years of being an Ole. Um Ya Ya!

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